Friday, April 18, 2008

Where to begin... I feel like there is so much to catch everyone up on since I haven't been the best at sending updates lately.

This is a photo of us at the local park last weekend. The sweater is great-auntie's handiwork handed down from the China gang.

Muffin is still the easiest, sweetest, smartest & most fun kid ever! (total mama bias, but it's true!)

Yesterday evening, I transplanted a few bulbs and she was right by my side, shovel in hand, digging. She did a great job not eating the worms we found. She brought them to Dada instead.

She's a great talker - babbles incessantly. Her "real" words are becoming more & more frequent amid the babble though. Her whoa's, wow's, oh's, & uh-oh's are extremely well placed in conversation.

We discovered her first freckle this week. An odd milestone, but there it is! It is on her left leg, just above the ankle in front. The first of many I imagine given Mama & Dada's coloring.

Tomorrow we head to the children's museum w/ friends! I can't wait. It will be a fun adventure for us.

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